How to approach a loved one

Substance abuse and addiction are well recognized public health concerns. Often families are struggling to understand addiction and how to approach a loved one who may have an addiction, especially if they can’t prove their loved one is using.

This is where Dawn and her canines come in.

The CCND dogs are highly trained, highly socialized, and provide a passive alert when drugs are found. This means that the dogs won’t be causing a disturbance by barking - instead they provide sensitivity and confidentiality through their passive alert.

If drugs are found, it is up to the family to decide what to do. This family centered approach allows the client to decide what steps are best for their family and CCND can assist in putting you in contact with the local experts.

Do you believe that a loved one is using drugs?

If you feel unsure about how to express your concerns about your loved one’s addiction to them, or scared that confronting them will push them away, you’re not alone.

Contact CCND today for a consultation to determine if we are the right fit for you.